About Us

Who we are and what is our purpose?

Our Blog, The Dublin Marketer was set up to offer information, tips and insights into the basics of digital marketing. We are positioning ourselves as Dublin’s newest voice offering a view of marketing with a bias towards Irish businesses. We offer an informal, informative voice with the purpose of developing a discourse and creating a forum where anyone with an interest in Digital Marketing can visit and feel welcome. The motto on our site is ‘there is no such thing as a silly question’.

We are targeting anyone with an interest in this area that wants to learn more. That could be someone wishing to study digital marketing, traditional marketers that want to up-skill, business owners who wish to push their business forward or who simply want to learn about digital marketing so they can understand what their digital marketing agency are billing them for.

We chose Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest to reach our target audience as we feel these are their social media platforms of choice. We decided to give each of these platforms a similar look and feel to the website to create our identity and develop The Dublin Marketer as a brand.

Digital marketing is a vast arena and is very often not understood by the average business owner. We want to employ each post to break down the mystery, share the knowledge and to clearly demonstrate that Digital marketing is not a ‘dark art’ but rather a new and under explored territory that can be opened up for all to understand and utilise for the benefit of their business or studies.

Please comment on our blogs! For any direct response visit the Contact Us page.

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